The BIG Triangle Loop

Captain's Log - Day 18 - 22

Captain's Log - Day 1 to 5
Captain's Log - Day 6 - 10
Captain's Log - Day 11 - 17
Captain's Log - Day 18 - 22
Captain's Log - Day 23 - 28
Captain's Log - Day 29 - 33
Captain's Log - Day 34 - 39
Interesting People
* * * * * * * * * * * *  Friday September 5, 2008 * * * * * * * * * * * *

Day 18 Burlington, Vermont to Essex, New York

We departed Burlington, Vermont at 9:00 a.m. and arrived at Essex, New York at 11:05 a.m.


Our route took us south on Lake Champlain.  A strong south wind (25 mile plus winds) provided us with 2-3 foot waves to keep us company on this stretch - remnants of the hurricane.



Total locks for the day:  0
Total miles travelled for the day:  13 miles

Essex Marina in New York State

Modified tug used as a cruiser docked at Essex Marine.

New York / Vermont Ferry leaving Essex.

Wood schooner docked at Essex Marina.

* * * * * * * * * * * *  Saturday September 6, 2008 * * * * * * * * * * * *

Day 19 Essex, New York to Westport, New York

We departed Essex, New York at 10:00 a.m. and arrived in Westport, New York at 1:30 p.m.


We continued our route south on Lake Champlain.  A second day of strong south winds (20 mile plus) provided us with 1-2 foot waves - still remnants of the hurricane.

Total locks for the day:  0
Total miles travelled for the day:  15 miles

Westport Marine in New York State. At this point, Vermont is only 4 miles across Lake Champlain.

The Community Bandstand in the village of Westport, New York.

The Inn at Westport, New York.

Leaving Point Bay Marina, Vermont after stopping for fuel.

* * * * * * * * * * * *  Sunday September 7, 2008 * * * * * * * * * * * *

Day 20 Westport, New York to Whitehall, New York

We departed Westport, New York at 8:30 a.m. and arrived at Whitehall, New York at 4:30 p.m.


Our route took us south on Lake Champlain into the Champlain Canal and through Lock 12.


Total locks for the day:  1
Total miles travelled for the day:  42.3 miles

The Champlain Bridge marks the end of Lake Champlain and the beginning of the Champlain Canal.

Champlain Monument Lighthouse - Samuel de Champlain stands ready to fire the canons.

Navigating the Champlain Canal with the New York and Vermont mountains in the background,

Chipman Point - stopping for gas at the last marina in Vermont we find incredible architecture.

Welcome to dee-swamp. Ayeeeeahhh.

Fishing on the Champlain Canal.

Approaching Lock 12 - waiting for southbound passage.

Lock 12 Marina - on north side of Lock 12.

Looking north at Lock 12.

The town of Whitehall, New York.

Whitehall, New York.

The town of Whitehall, New York.

Docked in Whitehall, New York.

Leaving Whitehall, New York.

------------------- 20 Day Stat Marker -------------------

To date, we have travelled from August 19th to September 7th for a total of:

  • 72 hours and 7 minutes travel time
  • 463.3 Miles
  • 44 Locks

* * * * * * * * * * * *  Monday September 8, 2008 * * * * * * * * * * * *

Day 21 Whitehall, New York to Schuylerville, New York

We departed Whitehall, New York at 10:20 a.m. and arrived at Schuylerville, New York at 5:40 p.m.


There are a total of 11 locks on the Champlain Canal - (although the lock numbers start at 12 - there is no lock #10).  Our route took us south through the Champlain Canal and into the Hudson River when we exited Lock 7. 


Total locks for the day:  6
Total miles travelled for the day:  45.4 miles

A heron sunbathing on the Champlain Canal.

Schuyler Yacht Basin on the Hudson River - great place to stop! More info under Interesting People.

Schuyler Yacht Basin - Morning dew and fog.

* * * * * * * * * * * *  Tuesday  September 9, 2008 * * * * * * * * * * * *

Day 22 Schuylerville, New York

Schuyler Yacht Basin - a boater's haven. We loved it here.